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Lovely clear Quartz double terminated point.

Ideal for crystal Grids, Reiki and healing.


Double Terminated crystals are useful in healing as they help to absorb negative energy, break down old patterns, assist with overcoming addictions, or may be used to integrate previously blocked parts of the self. When placed on the third eye, double termination crystal wands may enhance telepathy.


This stone is a cleanser of the mind, body and soul, also of any area it is kept in, by drawing away negative energies. Clear Quartz is a fantastic "transmitter" and can be used for meditation, scrying, channelling, healing and to just be an all round inner sense strengthener.


Clear Quartz is possibly the most versatile, multipurpose and powerful healing stone available, due to is unique helical spiral crystalline form. It is a master healer that can be used for any and all conditions. It stimulates the immune system, reinstates bodily balance and restores and amplifies energy systems.


Weight appx: 11-13gms

Clear Quartz double terminated point - Reiki, Healing, Grids(45x 15.7mm)

£13.99 Regular Price
£9.79Sale Price
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