Blue Obsidian
- Obsidian is an excellent grounding, protection and transmutation stone.
- Obsidian stimulates visioning during meditation;
- Blue Obsidian stimulates and enhances all forms of communication and lingual skills, when used at the throat chakra; aids divination, psychometric and psychic development pursuits;
- provides intuitive knowledge when travelling;
- enhances creativity;
- Blue Obsidian birthstone meaning is one that is believed to hold reliable psychic protection. And is closely related to the spiritual world and may stimulate the gift of prophecy.
- The stone is found to open one’s ability to communicate and shield you from the negativity.
Crystal Healing Uses - Blue Obsidian can be used to treat ear, eye, nose and throat disorders and can assist and support treatments for stammering; has been used to clear mental confusion and psychosis.
Blue Obsidian Tumblestone